Sunday, 29 November 2015

Autonomy and Caprice

There is a famous quote by Lord Palmerston: “The Schleswig-Holstein question is so complicated, only three men in Europe have ever understood it. One was Prince Albert, who is dead. The second was a German professor who became mad. I am the third and I have forgotten all about it.”
The ‘famous professor’ is thought to have been Ludwig Emmanuel Mondan (1777-1863) who was born in Hohenzollern-Hechingen. For a while he lived in Southern England, and advised the trustees of the Lyrian Institute of Archeology, however he returned to Hechingen in 1829, where he married an Italian Countess (Maria Balbina Rinaldi) and began his renowned research into pseudo-political mechanical models. He was so distressed when his beloved homeland was incorporated in Prussia in 1850, that he went mad and was incarcerated in the informal lunatic asylum run by the Concipio Fellowship not far from Grosselfingen. In 1855 he ran away and tried to drown himself in the river Starzel. However he was rescued by two peasants, and lived peacefully until the age of 85, cared for by his mistress, Zuiprian Constanza Perrelin. He wrote seventeen theses on Autonomy and Caprice, and six of these are in Professor Mundeign’s archive and are currently being transcribed and translated. Ludwig Emmanuel Mondan was of-course Professor Yorvick Mundeign’s Great-great-great Grandfather.
(Ilych Mundane, Mondan’s grandson,  was also one of Professor Mundeign’s famous ancestors)

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Pirmykštis Tikėjimas

Nearly all of the subjects in Professor Mundeign's catalogue are of scientific interest, however there is  an anthropological section on magic and magicians.  These are not of the benign Harry Potter type, but studies and reviews focusing on the primaeval belief systems and deep superstitions common in the past but certainly not absent in the present.  His conclusion were succinctly summarised in his (unedited) notes from the Kaunas Conference: 'Tiek religija ir magija ritualai contenir. Paprastai, yra pripažinimas, kad ritualai ne visada; Greičiau, jis yra tiesiog maniau padidinti norimą rezultatą ateinančiais perduoti tikimybę. Daugelis ritualai, o dėmesys asmeninis bendravimas su dieviškąja ir dvasinio apsivalymo, kiti dažnai ieško "stebuklingų" teigiamus rezultatus, pavyzdžiui, gydomųjų aukso sėkmės mūšyje.

Dauguma augalai turėti turėti aukso turėjo savo praeities kai kurių stebuklinga šamanų tradicijos forma pripažįsta, kad tarpusavio dvasios. Tai gali turėti-buvo taip seniai, kaip liaudies tradicija, kad išmirė su pagrindinių pasaulio religijos sukūrimą, pavyzdžiui, Judaistas, krikščionybės, islamo ar budizmo, arba ji vis dar gali egzistuoti kartu su to pasaulio religijos.

Be to, abu gali būti skirstomi pagal poveikio jie gamina į suvokimo ir medžiagų mainai. Tai yra, ar malda Kai rašybos natūra yra naudojama, ji gali pareikšti apie faktinį jų keičiamas (materialinio) arba į kelią objektas jaučiasi (suvokimo) pasikeitimus. La même malda, nors būti "aušintuvas" galėtų Arba Todėl Tiesą sakant pakelti temperatūrą, arba tiesiog pakeisti temą meldėsi ir jausmas bet kurioje kitoje tikslus temperatūros. Tai nereiškia, kad suvokimas keitimasis nėra "tikra", kaip jis gali būti naudojamas gydant nutirpęs skausmo pojūtį, todėl gijimas imtis lengviau. 

However several authorities have picked up a number of inaccuracies in his words.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Weak Asymmetries

Professor Mundeign's metastudy on meteorological critical theory reviews the experimental observations of meter scale plasma irregularities in the auroral E region but neglects the significance of the weak asymmetries near the vortex care as well as the tendency for low azimuthal wavenumber asymmetries to dominate. But that's the way of the world, no doubt.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Infantas of Cordoba and the Battle of Lepanto

The significance of the battle of Lepanto has inspired artists in various fields. One piece of commemorative music composed after the victory is the motet Canticum Moysis Pro victoria navali contra Turcas by the Spanish composer Fernando de las Infantas.

Infantas was born in Córdoba in 1534, a descendant of Juan Fernández de Córdoba who had conveyed the two daughters of Pedro I of Castile to safety after the Battle of Montiel in 1369. The family was still notable in Córdoba at the time of Fernando's birth and he enjoyed a privileged education, and later a patrimonio, or stipend, remitted to him in Rome from his family in Spain.

From 1572–1597 Infantas resided in Rome, voluntarily giving his services to a hospital for the poor. In 1577 he came into conflict with Pope Gregory XIII over the reversal of reforms in Gregorian chant.

Infantas' theological views may have influenced his preference for predominantly Biblical text settings in his publications.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel

The question that is never fully answered in Professor Mundeign's Catalogue is what credence we can give to those who doubt whether Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel were actually one and the same person. Cyrus after all was not a man to delegate a relatively simple task, such as returning the temple vessels, to two people when one could do it with little difficulty (given a few hundred slaves).

Friday, 20 November 2015

Tomorrow maybe we will sail in boats...

Tomorrow will come if we don't lose hope. But rainy days still make my cheeks wet with tears, even now. (Ai Yazawa)

Bufo Periglenes

Amongst the Anuran Research papers in Professor Mundeign's catalogue, the Monte Verde golden toad has a prime place (though sadly only within the extinct species section). The Monte Verde golden toad (Incilius periglenes, formerly Bufo periglenes) was a small true toad that was once abundant in a small, high-altitude region about 4 square kilometres (1.5 sq mi) in an area north of the city of Monteverde, Costa Rica. It was endemic to elfin cloud forest. It was first described in 1966 by herpetologist Jay Savage, but the last sighting of a single male golden toad was on 15 May 1989, and it has since been classified as extinct.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Silence is a source of great strength (Lao Tsu)

As the Professor noted, facts never just come at you - they are incorporated by an imagination that is formed by your previous experience. Memories of the past are not memories of facts but memories of your imaginings of the facts.

Monday, 16 November 2015

The Sea, the Sea

The Illyrians (and later the Romans) considered Iris illyrica a medicinal plant with various medicinal properties. These included the healing of boils and relief of headaches. Parts were used in the ancient world as an anti-perspirant and for the manufacture of perfumes. 

Professor Mundeign's research suggested that it is actually identical to the Dalmatian Iris (Iris pallida). He acknowledges however that according to the International Organization for Plant Information the status of this plant is still unresolved, though it has been reclassified by some as a synonym of Iris pallida subsp. illyrica. Either way, its use in the treatment of sea-sickness has been controversial.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Professor Mundeign's Wave Theory

Professor Mundeign himself was the first to admit that the Wave Theory that bears his name was in fact derived from the substantial work by the noted Ergonomist Edgar Treif who measured the speed at which waves of information were transmitted through a sounder of pigs (the name for a group of pigs depends on the animals' ages. A group of young pigs is called a drift, drove or litter. Groups of older pigs are called a sounder of swine, a team or passel of hogs or a singular of boars). There appeared to be a difference according to the extent to which such information was validated from discrepant locations on the abscissa and ordinate.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


He would probably not admit it but Professor Mundeign is a world renowned expert on Cataphora. He would probably not admit it but he is also proficient in the use of Anaphora, (whilst recognising that it can be defined differently in rhetoric and in grammar). He would probably not admit it but once he's on a roll...

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Irregular Cadences

Free verse is not totally free. Le vers libre n'est pas totalement libre. In the catalogue of Literary Confessional Notes, Professor Mundeign quotes the comment of Selwyn Murdell that although free verse requires no meter, rhyme, or other traditional poetic techniques, the writer can still use them to create some sense of structure. Much pattern and discipline is to be found in free verse: the internal pattern of sounds, the choice of exact words, and the effect of associations give free verse its beauty. Well so much for Poetic Licentiousness!

Monday, 9 November 2015

The Richtiger phenomenon in avian and coelenteratic organisms

In the Logic and Improbability section of Professor Mundeign's catalogue, there appears a clarification of the Richtiger phenomenon, similar to the fallacy of defective induction. This is a conclusion that has been made on the basis of an inadequate or singular premise. When multiplied to an apparently statistically reliable number of observation, the error is maintained by predetermined sampling. The Richtiger phenomenon is a common neural propogation response amongst avian and coelenteratic organisms.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Recent research on Moll Cutpurse

Professor Mundeign's indexed collection of Biographical Research was assembled from the papers of Llewellyn Dovebash (who readers will recall died in 2012). His most famous essay was on Mary Frith (1584 - 1659) who was the daughter of a shoemaker and a housewife. 

Nicknamed Moll Cutpurse, Frith caused outrage from her youth. Her uncle, a minister, once attempted to reform her by sending her to New England. However, she jumped overboard before the ship set sail. She presented herself in public in a doublet and baggy breeches, smoking a pipe and swearing if she felt like it. 

She was recorded as having been burned on her hand four times, a common punishment for thieves, and was at one time sentenced to do penance standing in a white sheet at St. Paul’s Cross. It did little good, since she still wore men’s clothing, and she set mirrors up all around her house to stroke her vanity. She kept parrots and bred mastiffs. Her dogs were particularly special to her: each had its own bed with sheets and blankets, and she prepared their food herself. She first came to prominence in 1600 when she was indicted in Middlesex for stealing 2s 11d on 26 August of that year. It is at that point she began to gain notoriety. 

By the 1620s Mary Frith was working as a fence and a pimp. She procured young women for men, and male lovers for middle-class wives. For a while to was incarcerated in Bethlem Hospital, but relased in 1644 after being 'cured of insanity'. She was reputed to have robbed General Fairfax and shot him in the arm during the Civil War. She escaped the gallows and Newgate Prison by paying a £2000 bribe.

She died of dropsy on 26 July 1659 on Fleet Street in London.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

As the strings of a lute are apart though they quiver the same music (Gibran)

In Professor Mundeign's Section on Musicology, the problems of combining lute and harpsicord were explored in a paper by Giuseppe Manceno (a follower of Gianfranco Lotti). The lute is not designed for large concert halls, and it is difficult to achieve a balance between the two instruments (despite the influence of the one on the other). The words "lute" and "oud" derive from Arabic al-ʿud (العود - literally means "the wood").Recent research by Eckhard Neubauer suggests ʿud may in turn be an Arabized version of the Persian name rud, which meant "string", "stringed instrument", or "lute".It has equally been suggested the "wood" in the name may have distinguished the instrument by its wooden soundboard from skin-faced predecessors.Gianfranco Lotti suggests the "wood" appellation originally carried derogatory connotations because of proscriptions of all instrumental music in early Islam.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

He does not lie or change his mind (1 Samuel, 15)

Professor Mundeign's archive contains a note from the Institute of Neo-Hermeneutics, which records that in 1906 while trekking around the Upper Galilee in the area of Rosh Pinna, the agronomist Aaron Aaronsohn discovered Triticum dicoccoides (wild emmer) which he considered to be the "mother of wheat", an important find for agronomists and historians of human civilization. Geneticists have proven that wild emmer is indeed the ancestor of most domesticated wheat strands cultivated on a large scale today.

Monday, 2 November 2015

I am the master, and Song is my slave

According to Professor Mundeign's account of the Cognitive Tectonic Interpretation of History, the old poet of Malaga bore an uncanny ressemblance to the notorious heretic and bete noir of the Myopicts of Palmera. This is of course widely regarded as speculative.